Ichigo Mysterium

Magician of the Golden Heart Troupe
(and part-time VTuber)
at your service!
"Be the Magic you want to see
in the world"

To know the trick,
up sleeves you'll peek;
Switch on the light,
for the answers you seek.

You've switched on the light,
you've opened the book.
Now solve my ciphers,
and let's take a look!

A character in Jojo,
and my favorite dressing;
When the letters are shifted,
it'll leave you guessing.
It isn't Greek, in fact -- It's Roman.
So take a stab, and let the next page open!

V znl or n zntvpvna, ohg V ybir zl pbqrf;
V oynzr NETf sbe chggvat zr qbja gurfr ebnqf.
Vg'f gvzr gb zbir ba gbjneq gur arkg cntr;
Jung vf gur arkg pvcure sebz guvf evqqyvat zntr?

Congratulations! You've reached the next page! I can tell your mind is built for this maze.I see that you've brought your A-game today;
So let's see if you can solve this one: OK?
What once was an arcade game known of ill repute;
It took over your brain -- trying to quit was moot.
After one month, it left with no trace.
Off of a cipher, its naming was based.
Its structure's a square: Numbers 1 through 5;
Replace the line with it's name, and at the finale you'll arrive:

You've made it here, I hope it wasn't too hard!
The deed is done, you've solved the puzzles!
Now up my sleeve, I have one last card:
Now here's a gift for all your troubles:
It's a basic cipher, yet hard to find. Where could it be, with no link left behind?
The clue is simple, if you know where to look! The answer is in front of you, like an open book!